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Old 07-15-2002, 09:02 PM
Posts: n/a
Re: Great Stuff!

Originally posted by FV
It’s really interesting to see how a song one case Bryce and I think that Don’t Be Stupid and IMHOTL were originally one song that was split into two…

It was MIFLAW and IHOTL(TSML) that appeard to have been split into two songs. Or it may have simply been two songs being born at the same time. At the top of one page was the title Man I Feel Like A Woman. And then what followed was familiar lyrics and unfamiliar lyrics that didn't make it. Then at the top of the next page was also the title Man I feel Like A Woman with an X through it and the lyrics that followed were that of IHOTL(TSML).

Shania may have simply been jotting down things as they came to her and then discovered what she really had was two great songs. We may never know the reason behind it. But it was fasinating seeing those hand written notes.

I think it was the notes for YGAW that were very difficult to follow. There isn't much blank space on the page. There are notes going in every direction, including the margins. LOL

As much as I enjoyed all the added exhibits seeing these hand written song lyrics was an absolute thrill.

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