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Old 11-17-2005, 11:45 AM
Raider Raider is offline
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Shania movie:

She hasn't seen it, doesn't know anything about it. Called her friend and said I'm going to Canada, can you tell me what it's about? Filled her in on some stuff. Says they can't get it right because she wasn't involved. Not saying they didn't put in a good effort. The actress was kind and wrote her a letter and wanted to be an authentic, wanted to do her best.
About sending them a note/CDs, Shania: I knew they wanted to do it well, was gracious but she couldn't get involved because it's not...I'd have to do it myself.

Doesn't know if she would get involved. Her family would have to be Ok with it, confortable with it. Her family wouldn't at this point. Her family would be affected by it, It's not just about "Me", and exclude people in my life. It's been a very rough life, more than what I have revealed. Doing positive things in her life, school program, apologizes for getting emotional earlier. Shania is very proud of it, been happening for a year. Marilyn was talking to Shania about it last year before she started it, just the two of them in a room.
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