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Old 06-27-2003, 01:54 AM
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CherryBaby CherryBaby is offline
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Ontario,Canada
Posts: 372
Re: My Operation and a quick message

I am going in for my operation tomorrow and I am now really nervous and scared but I wanted to thank my friends for their kind words,support and prayers.
I will post as soon as I can to announce that "Honey,I'm Home"
I have no idea if I will be kept in the hospital or sent home because it all depends upon complications and also I have signed a permission waiver that if my specialists discover things are worse once they begin the surgery,that they can upgrade the operation to a more serious one which will require a few day's stay in the hospital.

I have never been as concerned,worried or as scared before about an operation so I just wanted to tell my "Shania Family" here that if something should happen,I would like everyone to know how much I value and cherish your frienships,love and support.If it were not for all of you and Shania,I do not think I would have made it this far and I want to thank you all and Shania for helping me stay positive throughout all these grueling treatments and operations.
The specialists and nurses are very kind and allow me to bring my discman into the OR to listen to so I can be calm before they put me under so I was wondering if anyone can make any suggestions on which Shania CD to take and I will check in before I leave for the hospital.It would be even better to have Shania in the OR with me singing a lullaby or one of her comforting songs before I was put under but that is wishful thinking

I will post ASAP when I get home or from the hospital or if I am unable to,I will allow my friend or mom to post a quick report so everyone is updated and kept informed.

Thanks again for all your love,support and best wishes and I am really blessed to have such a wonderful group of friends and members of my "family" here.I do not mean to single anyone out because everyone has been so supportive but I would like to thank Roger,Jen,Twain Crazy,Leon Jr,Debbie,RTC and Dax for being such wonderful and supportive friends and I will treasure those friendships and all the other friendships I have made since joining "Forever And For Always".
I was also thinking about Bmac and I was wondering how he is doing with his cancer and treatments.If you are reading this Bmac,please never hesitate to e-mail me because we are both going through the same thing and if you ever need to talk,vent or just need someone just to listen,I am just an e-mail away.

God Bless and a from me to everyone
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