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Old 11-21-2004, 11:14 PM
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Jason T Jason T is offline
Thank you Shania !
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 132
Originally posted by frenchcoyote

Thanks for the great night at Mendez! Just a bit of info for you. When we left there was a police car in the parking lot. When I pulled out onto airport road it started to follow me and sure enough not a minute later it's lights went on and pulled me over.
The police officer says she was doing a routine check and asked me where I'd been that night. She knew full well I'd just come from your bar as she followed me the whole way. I told her Mendez. Then she asked me what I had drank there and I told her "tea" and she raised her eyebrows at me. It was true! Needless to say she asked me loads of questions and of course I had forgotten my drivers licence etc at the hotel so after a $220 fine (with a warning I had 72 hours to take my stuff to the police station and they'd rip the ticket up) I was on my way. First time in my life I have been pulled over and first time in my life I didn't have my documents! Anyway just wanted to let you know that as when I told people the next day they told me it was illegal for cops to follow people from bars. I had never heard that but whatever. Seems like she had your place staked out, so just wanted you to know.

Well poor you lyn when you forget it once that when it happends poor you well they rip the ticket drinking tea is not a crime lol

jason xx
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